As one of the most hotly discussed issues in sport currently, there is still a huge lack of understanding of both what concussion is, and what modalities are available to manage one.
Firstly, a concussion is a concussion is a concussion. The original severity does not dictate a grade of concussion, nor the recovery from one. A concussion does also not require any direct contact with the head. Any blow to the body, or head, which transmits a force through the brain, resulting in any of the well recognised concussion symptoms, (eg. loss of consciousness, dizziness, blurred vision and headache), is considered a concussion.
In severe cases of vomiting, or nausea, emergency care is recommended. In most cases, this will involve some imaging of the brain, which in a concussion is generally clear. Which is great news. But what then? Where do we go from there? Rest? Avoid light and noise? Sleep?
Whilst initially rest is important, research has confirmed that early gentle exercise is appropriate. But what else do we know, and what else can we do?
One of the greatest issues of concussion is that we don’t see anything on imaging, and therefore, our return to work, school and sport has been a best guess.
Simonne has completed the CCMI concussion training course, and is dedicated to better educating and managing patients with concussion. There are so many things we can do. The most important first step to recovery from concussion, is understanding exactly what has happened, and what are the proven best first steps to recovery. First and foremost, concussion is NOT a brain injury, and is in fact a metabolic injury. What does this mean? Well, firstly, it explains why fatigue is one of the most significant symptoms immediately post injury.
In this first appointment, Simonne will complete a full assessment, and provide extensive education on what a concussion is, and what our initial management should be. There are a myriad of treatment options to facilitate recovery and a return to all the parts of life that are most important.
Call us today on 02 9817 7100 and talk to our friendly reception staff should you want to learn more about how we can help you.