Specialist Appointment

Do you need a second opinion?
Do you have an injury that you’vebeen seeing a physio or health professional about, that just isn’tgetting any better?

Ask us about booking in a specialist appointmentwith Simonne!

Simonne is one of roughly 50 Specialist sportsphysiotherapists Australia wide. What does this mean?

▪      Highly refined diagnostic skills and clinical reasoning that aresecond to none

▪      An arsenal of manual techniques to treat specific and complexissues. The knowledge of the pathologies and progressions of such complexinjuries, allowing provision of insightful management plans.

A specialist appointment at SSP is an hourappointment and includes:

o  A thorough patient history anddiscussion around goals and return to sport if applicable

o  A full biomechanical assessmentto determine diagnosis and contributing factors as well as compensations andadaptations

o  A written diagnosis andexplanation and education regarding the injury and the recovery pathway

o  Manual therapy and exerciseprescription as well as referral to relevant specialist if necessary, to ensuremultidisciplinary management

o  A report to doctor/ referringphysio/ team manager or coach as necessary.

Phone9817 7100 if you would like more information or want to book in a specialistappointment today!