
Have you or someone you know recently beenrocked by a concussion? Are you still struggling with fatigue or othersymptoms?

Well, we have been working hard at SSP to bringyou the best.

In terms of recovery, there is no evidence tosuggest that medication can treat concussion - in fact most medications causenasty side effects such as fogginess, drowsiness and trouble sleeping which arealso symptoms of a concussion.

All of our physiotherapists have completed anintensive training course to be registered as Concussion managementpractitioners, and SSP has proudly joined ranks with a network of clinicsaround the world as members of CCMI (Complete Concussion Management Inc.).

From initial pre-season baseline testing toconcussion treatment and rehabilitation, we collaborate with your Dr and the teamto co-manage concussions.

Our goal – getting you back to playing andtraining SAFELY as quickly as possible

Call the clinic today on 9817 7100 if you wouldlike to discuss how we can help you or someone you know with concussion.