Achilles tendinopathy

Heard of tendinopathy? Have you been told you have a tendinopathy and don’t have a clue what to do now or what that means?

Tendinopathy is the degeneration of the attachment of your muscle to a bone and usually comes with pain, swelling and poor performance.

DON’TFRET! Things can and will improve.

You don’t have to put up with tendon pain for life, nor do you have to rush into surgery.

Miller et al in 2019 found that conservative therapy, changes to exercise, load modification and more for a period of 12months is the recommended management with great results!

And you’re in luck – that is what physios do best, so don’t go under the knife without at least a discussion and assessment with a trained expert in the rehab game and give the team a call @ 9817 7100